Executive Retreats • Stay & Play

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“Aspiring to protect and sustain the land, water, wildlife and resources.”

The Eastern Golf Club - Sunrise



The Club employees a team of Horticulturalists to ensure that the natural vegetation is maintained, extended and enhances the natural beauty of the surrounding nature reserve.

The team have clear objectives to:

  • Re-introduce rare species back into the local area including, but not limited to, yarra gum, buxton gum, lomandra filliforms. 
  • Enhance the existing natural landscape through non-uniform planting. The careful selection of species will allow the team to accomplish this.
  • Revegetation of areas are to improve flora and fauna diversity and to replenish the bush with new life. The planting of indigenous stock is important to us as we want to encourage the growth of these species in and around our course.
  • As the site was previously used as farmland the need for pockets of natural bushland will be very important in order to retain the natural feel and beauty of the site.

With the planting of native species and very large re-vegetation areas, this will create an animal corridor which is something we are looking for as this will represent not only the Australian bush but also our nature reserve on the hill; and creating natural habitats for the local fauna. With the planting of local and indigenous species we are also able to create a seed bank which is important for the future when we want to start growing our own plants which are taken from cuttings from around our course, Yering Gorge Cottage precinct and private nature reserve.  Not all areas will be heavily planted as the design of the course still needs to be enjoyed; but having that bush/rustic/farm look complemented by the dynamics of golf is what we are aiming to achieve. The end result will be as if the golf course has been carved out of the natural bush and farmlands.

  • Prior to its development into a golf course, the area was previously farmed, and it is our desire to redevelop the natural feel and beauty of the site. The Club has a philosophy to ensure that the natural vegetation is maintained and extended whilst enhancing the natural beauty of the experience through the following commitments:
  • A re-introduction of rare species back into the local area such as the Yarra Gum, Buxton Gum & Lomandra Filliforms amongst others.
  • Enhance the existing natural landscape through non-uniform planting.
  • Re-vegetation of areas to improve flora and fauna diversity and to replenish the surrounding bushland with new life. The planting of indigenous species is integral to achieve our objectives and will further encourage growth of these species in and around the golf course.
  • With the planting of native species and very large re-vegetation areas, this will create an animal corridor whilst creating a seed bank which is imperative for our future planning to start growing our own plants taken from cuttings around the entire precinct.
  • We want to balance our protection and growth of the local environment whilst complementing the dynamics of the game of golf – ultimately ensuring the course has been carved out of the surrounding, natural bush.
Significant fauna includes:
  • Brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) – a tree-dwelling marsupial (Status is Vulnerable in Victoria) with a small, fragmented population in the Yering Gorge Cottages precinct. 
  • Powerful owl (Ninox strenua)
  • Southern myotis (Myotis macropus) – bats
  • Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) with sightings in the Yarra River – you have to be quick as they are fast. 
  • Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica)  (State protected species) and other native fish. (Victorian Fisheries Authority rules and regulations apply)
  • Eastern Grey kangaroos and swamp wallabies
  • Brush and Ring-tailed possums
Keep a lookout for:
  • White-bellied Sea eagle
  • A pair of nesting Wedge-tail eagles (largest ‘bird of prey’ in Australia).
  • Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos, King Parrots, Eastern Rosellas (Club bird emblem), Crimson Rosellas, Rainbow lorikeets, Sulphur crested Cockatoos and Galahs
  • Tawny Frogmouth (if you’re lucky)
  • Wombats (at dusk and dawn)
  • Echidnas (please drive slowly and you may see one)
  • Family group of White-winged Chough’s (Corcorax melanorhamphos) can be found in our private nature reserve.
Significant flora includes
  • Eucalyptus crenulata (Buxton gum) – an endangered tree species and there are, currently, 100+ growing plants onsite, with numerous new plantings undertaken over the last three years.
  • Red Box- Eucalyptus polyanthemos (old big trees that are over 100 years old with circular leaves)
  • Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis (big white trunk trees at river)
  • Yellow Box- Eucalyptus melliodora (good source of pollen for bees and native animals)
  • Native Cherry- Exocarpos cupressiformis
  • Eucalyptus yarraensis (Yarra gum)
  • Gahnia radula (Thatch saw sedge)
  • Native orchids, wildflowers and shrubs in nature reserve. Flowering Mid-August until the main heat of summer.
Wildflowers and Herbs:

The following wildflowers and herbs can be found growing throughout our nature reserve:

Common hovea- Hovea heterophylla; Dwarf Boronia- Boronia nana var hyssopifolia; Love Creeper- Comesperma volubile; Mountain Clematis- Clematis aristata; Tall sundew- Drosera peltata ssp auriculata; Ivy- leaf Violet- Viola hederacea’ Kidney Weed- Dochondra repens; Common Bird Orchid- Chiloglottis valida; Nodding Greenhood Orchid- Pterostylis nutens; Wax-Lip Orchid- Glossodia major; Golden Bush Pea- Pultenaea gunnii; Austral Ladies Tresses- Spiranthes australis; Common Maidenhair- Adiantum aethiopicum; Austral Bracken- Pteridium esculentum; Common Tusscock Grass- Poa labillardierei; Twining Fring Lily- Thysantus pattersonii.

Important aquatic plants include:
  • Triglochin procera (water ribbons)
  • Baumea articulata (jointed twig-rush)
  • Bolboschoenus fluviatilis (tall club sedge)
  • Myriophyllum sp (milfoil)
  • Eleocharis sphacelata (tall spike-rush)


The Eastern Golf Club has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system where instead of simply trying to eradicate a pest, the IPM approach considers all information and experience available, accounts for multiple objectives and considers all available preventative and curative options. Based on these foundations decisions are implemented to achieve optimum results. In general terms the goal of the IPM is to provide safe, effective, economical, environmentally sound, and socially sensitive outcomes.

The fundamentals that define the IPM program at The Eastern Golf Club include:

  1. Identify the pest(s) that are the source of the problem. This is not always as simple as it may seem. Correct pest identification is required to identify optimum solutions.
  2. Understand the biology and economics of the best and the system in which the pest exists.
  3. Monitor pests and natural controls. What are the signs? What are the symptoms? Where does the damage occur? When does the damage occur? What environmental conditions are present at the time of the damage?
  4. Establish economic or aesthetic injury thresholds. Pest management systems are to be based on potential damage from pest infestations, status of natural enemies, and the weather. Actions are taken only when the potential damage is sufficient to justify action. It is essential that threshold levels be determined for each pest identified as they are often site specific are directly impacted by other course management systems and users.
  5. Select an appropriate strategy of cultural, mechanical, biological, and/or chemical prevention or control techniques.
  6. Cultural practices include habitat modification and adapting operating procedures so that pest damage is reduced and natural control is enhanced. Choosing plant varieties that are resistant to pest injury is a cultural control. Cultural methods are essentially preventative measures that reduce the extent of the pest problem and include appropriate turf cultivators, good fertility management, aerating compacted soils, improving drainage, thatch control, raising mower heights, good irrigation management, minimising shade and improving air movement.
  7. Biological controls are predators, parasites, and diseases that attack pests. Measures can be taken to conserve naturally occurring populations. In some situations where naturally occurring biological controls are not effective, they can be introduced from outside sources.
  8. Chemical control involves selecting a pesticide with the lowest toxicity to humans and non-target organisms and using it in such a way to prevent or minimize undesirable environmental effects. The lowest effective amount of pesticide is applied from carefully calibrated spray equipment.
  9. Evaluate the pest management program and improvement when possible. This requires keeping, maintaining and reviewing records on a regular basis.

We ensure that the maintenance of our course is always with a view for long term improvement and this belief is an ingrained philosophy of our course staff and commitment to the long-lasting improvement of our course. The flow on from having a long-term sustainability outlook on the course is that we use minimal pesticides (including herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) on our course. These chemicals are often short-term fixes to course related issues, which can cause severe damage of the Club’s most valuable asset, our golf course. However, the long-term approach of sustainability has allowed our course to develop its own immunity to the local environment and its challenges throughout the seasons.

yering – tier two risk assessment

The Club’s investment into setting a new environmental benchmark has seen support from the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne Water and the Commonwealth of Australia through our referral under the EPBC Act. The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act) is the Australian Government’s central piece of environmental legislation. It provides a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places — defined in the EPBC Act as matters of national environmental significance.

The undertaking of a Tier 2 Risk Assessment is the first of its kind in Australia for a golf course development. A Tier 2 Risk Assessment analyses the proposed pesticide usage at The Eastern Golf Club and makes use of a customer designed hydro-logically based quantitative fate and transport pesticide models to predict likely concentrations of pesticide residues in storm water runoff from the golf course. The report identifies appropriate water quality objectives for the protection of the identified beneficial uses which are the protection of aquatic life in the river and the protection of potable water supply. A comparison is made between predicted environmental concentrations and the target water quality objectives (concentrations) to determine the extent of compliance with the target hazard quotients.

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